ORCHESTRE DE MACHINES À ÉCRIRE is a participatory music performance with typewriters, accompanied by readings by Caroline de Cornière. An orchestra of typewriters has been
formed with a group of nine people following a precise score composed by K&A. The performance includes a model of the famous Olivetti Lettera 32 that Alice Rivaz herself used, transformed into a musical instrument by Théo Soulié.
The performance was part of “Le Tiret d’Alice/Episode 2“
Cast & Credits
Concept & composition: K&A – Karla Isidorou & Alexandra Bellon
Voice: Caroline de Cornière
Olivetti Lettera 32 / creation music instrumemt: Théo Soulié
Olivetti Lettera 32 /musician: Alexandra Bellon
Conductor: Karla Isidorou
Orchestra: Solrelamy, Britta, Fanny, Rosangela, Anna, Stéphane, Yael, Catherine, Vincent, Manuel, Mattia
Sound engineer: Nadan Rojnic
in collaboration with Aurélien Gamboni and l’Institut d’étude des intervalles
Dedicated to: Alice Rivaz (1901 – 1998)
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